Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pure and Carnal Pleasures

It is hard to understand why Yann Martel uses the word delights. By delights he could mean wrongdoings, or real, pure delights. This is the question that will give meaning to the quote. The delights I believe represent the wicked pleasures we have in life. True happiness, however can only be gained by love, not be saturating, stuffing, gorging yourself on other people, hoping their strength will be transferred to you. This carnal, disgusting way of thinking is what separates animals from humans. We as humans have a conscience, a sense of guilt, while animals only understand the idea. But once that is forsaken, humans will regress and become just as bad or worse than animals. Love is a concept that we can use; it allows us to have a mutual relationship that allows us as humans together to become stronger than any other organism.

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