Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Fall of the Family


  1. That was pretty inspiring. I think that this is a problem that, although most people don't realized it, will threaten us more in the next decade or two than I think a lot of the major issues involving money, war, and politics. I think that a strong family is a strong foundation for some of the most important things in life -- education, frienship, love, and happiness. I agree how families should deffinitly spend more time interacting than they are now. My family spends a lot of time together; even if only one of the parents has time to interact with the boys (Trevor, Ian and I) at once, it is still better than nothing. However, I also think if the parents came right out and said "we need to spend more time as a family" to thier children, in a lot of cases, ecspecially with teenagers, they would be met with something like "whatever", or "sure...". I think that spending time with your family has to start at a young age, as a habit, and the first generation to do this will make habits for their children, and thier children passing it on to thier children's children, and so on.

  2. Thank you for your lengthy and supportive response. So much of the strife and contention in the world could be prevented in this small, very tight, setting.

  3. I agree with most of the things you said here. A lot of our problems right now deal with drunk driving and drug use, stuff that could have been taught to people if they had responsible parents. Imagine all the money the government could save by not sending money to Mexico to stop the drug cartels, or to pay for the thousands of people in prison for drunk driving offenses. All of that money could then go to better and more constructive things, like better schools, or paying off the huge national debt.

  4. Greg-
    That is another advantage of this I didn't even realize. Not only would the struggling families be better, but the well-off families would also have more money, because taxes would be lowered. it seems like this would completely change our world in every way...
