Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Human Nature and Tendencies

We all have a tendency to be drawn to what we fear or hate. Anything can influence even the most strong willed, stalwart, valiant spirit. The atmosphere constantly bearing upon the priest too much harrows him to the depths of anguish; the lure of alcohol becomes to strong. Like (In Life of Pi)  Pi's initial abhorrence of raw flesh, then his disgusting relish of it, the whisky priest is drawn to alcohol like a moth will be drawn to a deadly fire.


  1. I really liked your end analogy Jacob.. It was great. Also your wordchoice was really really good. But I thought you maybe could have expanded on your point a little more. Otherwise great job!

  2. Jacob, I think, even though this could be a little longer, this is an amazing piece. Your vocab is insanely good. I also really like how you related to The Life of Pi. Maybe next time try to use a little more text evidence, but this is really good. Nice Job!

  3. This is a really good. You have some really good ideas, and I would like to read about them some more. Maybe next time you could make your response a little longer and include some quotes or text evidence.
