Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Powers or the Bondage of Observation

Christopher has incredible powers of observation that allow him to see the world more clearly. But if any of us had these incredible powers of observation, it would drive us mad, not being able to concentrate on anything, being constantly assailed with new information. I wonder what allowes Christopher to have these observational skills, yet still be able to focus with great clarity and think things out in his head. Could it simply be greater brain capacity, or something beyond this? I find it hard to imagine that someone with constant pressure of new information burdening them could stay sane. Then again, it could be that Christopher isn't sane.

1 comment:

  1. I think that Christopher is sane but just looses it sometimes. You are right that if any of us had these powers of overvation, it would drive us insane. I know I wouldn't be able to stand it. Great job.(:
